
中文堂牧師 – 林德昭牧師

林德昭牧師來自台灣,在美國電腦界服務26年後,清楚蒙召,取得美國伯特利神學院(Bethel Seminary) 的道學碩士學位後,進入全時間牧職服事。




Pastor Albert Lin came from Taiwan. After working in the computer industry for more than 26 years, he sensed the clear calling from the Lord to serve full-time. After receiving his MDiv degree from Bethel Theological Seminary, he resigned from the high-tech job and fully devoted himself to pastoral ministries.

Pastor Albert focuses his efforts on biblical teaching, missions and discipleship. Before becoming a pastor, he had been serving in the churches as a lay leader in the areas of evangelism and Christian education. While he was still working in the computer industry, he was already committed to evangelism and discipleship in the workplace. Pastor Albert led numerous short-term missions teams for cross-cultural missions, in collaborations with missionaries, mission organizations and churches. He uses Mandarin, English, and Taiwanese for preaching and teaching.

Pastor Albert enjoys sports, music and traveling with family, especially to the nature. He and his wife, Ichu, have been married since 1989. They have three grown children.



英文堂和青少年牧師  江明耀牧師 (pastorlouis@harvestsd.com)

英文堂和青少年牧師江明耀出生並成長於加利福尼亞州的弗雷斯諾(Fresno)。他在加州大學聖地亞哥分校獲得了英語文學和寫作的學士學位。 之後從聖地亞哥伯特利學院獲得了神學碩士學位;並在今年獲得富勒神學院青年,家庭和文化領域的博士學位。他和賢德的妻子咪咪2011年結婚, 有兩個女兒,Nuelle Onora。江明耀牧師於2001年開始擔任聖雅福音教會的青少年輔導直到2007年離開去讀研究所。從20102013年擔任主恩堂中區的青少年實習牧師。在20136月回到聖雅擔任青少年牧師, 服務青少年和家庭。 2017年他在聖雅福音教會被EFCGA按牧。 從2021年起, 江牧師開始同時負責英語成人事工和青少年事工。 江牧師對神充滿熱情,喜歡與人(尤其是年輕人)一起建設以聖經為本的群體,尋找失喪的羊。他也喜歡玩遊戲,運動,旅遊,喝茶,和吃美味的食物。他有一顆年輕的心,總是笑臉迎人。 他還擁有一個渴: 點燃下一代真實愛主耶穌的激情!他會很高興見到並認識你。

English Congregation and Youth Pastor – Louis Kiang (pastorlouis@harvestsd.com)

Reverend Louis Kiang was born and raised in Fresno, California.  He obtained a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and Writing at the University of California San Diego, a Master of Divinity from Bethel Seminary San Diego, and a Doctor of Ministry in Youth, Family, and Culture from Fuller Theological Seminary. He and his amazing wife Mimi have been married since 2011 and have two girls; Nuelle and Onora.  Pastor Louis began serving as the youth director at Harvest in 2001. He left in 2007 to attend graduate school. From 2010 – 2013 Louis served as a youth pastoral intern at Chinese Bible Church Central Campus. In June 2013 Louis returned to Harvest to serve as the youth pastor. In 2017, he was ordained by the EFCGA at Harvest. In 2021 Louis began overseeing the English adult ministry. Louis is passionate about God, enjoys hanging out with people (especially youth), building biblical community, reaching the lost, playing games and sports, traveling, eating good food, and drinking tea. He has a youthful heart and likes to laugh. He also has a desire to ignite an authentic passion for Jesus in the next generation and would be delighted to meet you.







Minister Haiyan Liu was born in Hunan Province, China. In 1993, when she was in the high schoolshe accepted Jesus as her personal savior. In 1994, she was admitted to Hunan Medical University to study “Psychiatry and Mental Health”. During the 8 years of college and graduate school, her faith was strengthened, and she was enthusiastic about evangelism and discipleship training on campus.


After graduating in 2002, she became a psychiatrist in a hospital in Beijing. At the same time, she participated in adult Sunday School and sermons at a local church. She had a deep desire for God’s words and theological training. In 2006, God miraculously opened the door, allowing her to take advantage of her holidays while working as a doctor to attend the intensive Mandarin theological courses in China Graduate School of Theology in Hong Kong and obtain a bachelor’s degree with honors in 2008.


In the same year, she married brother Haitao Shang and they have two sons and one daughter.


In August 2019, Haiyan was admitted to “Logos Evangelical Seminary” to study “Master of Arts in Family Ministry”. In September of the same year, she joined HECSD. The main service is adult Sunday school.  At the end of 2020, because of the calling by the Lord, she switched the major from the “Master of Arts in Family Ministry” to the “Master of Divinity” and graduated in May 2022. In July of the same year, she was hired as a minister of HECSD.


林見興長老   長執會主席 (elders@hecsd.org)

林見興弟兄於1968年在台灣出生,成長於基督化家庭。1983年與父母一家移民阿根廷。年輕時深深被 神的話於約翰福音10:10所吸引,渴望得著主所賜更豐盛的生命。1986年在台灣基督長老教會阿根廷教會接受堅信禮,在 神和眾人面前承認主耶穌基督成為個人的救主。1989-2000受選擔任執事。2001-2016受選擔任長老。2001-2014教會無主任牧師期間受選擔任小會代議長,負責教會行政2021受選擔任聖雅福音基督教會執事,負責教育等事工。1997年與陳怡如姐妹結婚,以「至於我和我家,我們必定事奉耶和華」為家庭的座右銘。2017年 神帶領全家移民美國。2018年兒子以諾就讀 UCSD,因此來到環境優美的聖地雅歌居住;女兒以琳2020年就讀USC。感謝 神的恩典,能在祂所賜福的聖雅教會聚會。期待能繼續在 神的家以「祂必興旺,我必衰微」為心志服事主。

Timothy Lin was born in Taiwan in 1968 and grew up in a Christian household. In 1983, his family emigrated to Argentina. As a youth, he was moved deeply by the Lord’s words in John 10:10 and since then he has been longing for the abundant life that God grants. In 1986, he received the Confirmation Ceremony at the Presbyterian Church of Taiwan in Argentina and confessed tat the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Savior before God and the people. From 1989-2000 he served as an elected deacon, and then, between 2001-2016 as an elected elder. From 2001-2014 since the church didn’t have a senior pastor, Timothy was elected as chairman and was in charge of the administration of the church.  2021 till present, he serves at Harvest Evangelical Church of San Diego as an elected deacon. He serves in many areas being Educational Deacon as one of them.  In 1997, Timothy married Cindy Chen and since that day, they have made “As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord” their life guideline.In 2017, God led the Lin family to immigrate to the United States. In 2018, their son Matias started college at UCSD, and their family came to live in the beautiful environment of San Diego. In 2020, their daughter, Brenda, began her college career at USC.Thank to God’s grace, for leading them to His blessed HECSD to congregate. Timothy looks forward to continuing serving the Lord in God’s house with the principle: “He must become greater; I must become less”

程天怡 長老 (elders@hecsd.org)

程天怡長老自2016年退休後完全專注於教會事工和宣教。在高通 (Qualcomm) 工作的16年中,他擔任過中國銷售、全球運營商支持和技術支持業務的職位。在加入高通之前,在Motorola GED從事了21年的工程和管理工作,最後一個職位是技術營銷副總裁。 他畢業於University of PhoenixMBAUniversity of Washington的生物學和電機工程學位。

作為基督的僕人,他曾擔任主日學的老師、青少年領導、團契主席、執事和長老。 在過去的12年中,他每年都參加海外短宣。他在鳳城華人基督教會(GPCCC)任職21年,在聖雅福音基督教會(HECSD)任職19年。

他目前在聖雅教會中的職責是長老,支持英文堂事工、宣教事工、總務事工、兒童事工和HR 人事部事工,也曾是英文聘牧委員會主席。


Elder Tim Cheng, Vice Chair of Church Council (elders@hecsd.org)

Elder Tim Cheng has retired from secular work since 2016.  He is now fully focused on church ministries & missions.  In the last 16 years of Qualcomm, he has held positions of China Sales, Worldwide Carriers Support and technical support operations.  Prior to Qualcomm he worked for Motorola GED for 21 years in engineering & management, with the last position as VP of technical marketing & business development.  He received MBA from University of Phoenix and BS Biology & BSEE degrees from University of Washington. 

As a Christian servant, he has served as Sunday school teacher, youth leader, fellowship leader, deacon and elder.  He also has participated in short-term missions for the last 12 years.  He served in Greater Phoenix for 21 years and Harvest Evangelical Church of San Diego (HECSD) for 19 years. 

His present roles in HECSD are Elder supporting English Congregation Ministries, Missions Ministry, General Affairs Ministry, Children Ministry, and Human Resource Ministry.  He is also leading the English Pastoral Search Committee.

He presently also holds roles with Care Ministry International (CMI) are Secretary of the CMI USA Board and Vice Chair of the CMI IHQ Board.



徐建文長老 長執會副主席 (elders@hecsd.org) 


在鳳凰城工作期間,徐建文弟兄在鳳城華人基督教會參與聚會和服事。先後在團契小組裡任關懷同工、組長。十年前因工作舉家搬遷來聖地亞哥,就一直在聖雅參與服事,包括曾參與主日崇拜招待、音響事工、司會,帶領團契小組查經,負責教會週五團契聯合敬拜達兩年時間,參與主日學教導、主日講台,參與宣教事工等,並於2015-2019六年裡擔任教會的財務執事。他的業餘愛好是爬山, 打網球,旅遊等。太太是侯鷺飛,兒子Daniel於去年剛剛上大學。

Elder Steven Xu 

Born in Zhejiang, China, Steven Xu is currently a HW engineer at Qualcomm. He had never got the chance to learn Bible and Gospel back in mainland China, but God’s grace, power, and glory, manifested through the testimonies of the love, joy and peace of many brothers and sisters, touched his heart while he was a Ph.D. student at the Georgia Institute of Technology. In the third year at GA Tech, he was baptized at North Avenue Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, GA.

While working for Freescale in Phoenix, Arizona, Steven served as the fellowship caring coworker and group leader at the Greater Phoenix Chinese Christian Church (GPCCC). He and his family were relocated to San Diego about 10 years ago due to work. Since then, he has been involved in various ministries at the HECSD church, such as Sunday service audio coworker, usher, presider; fellowship Bible study leader; coordinator of the joint Friday Night Fellowship worship program for 2 years; Sunday school teacher; church Mission Committee member, etc. He also served as the church’s Finance Deacon and Treasurer for 6 years from 2015-2019.  In his spare time, Steven loves hiking, playing tennis and traveling. His wife is Lucy Hou, and his son Daniel is a freshman at UCSD.